Monday, March 28, 2011

Elizabeth Park Garden

Steffe from Photos from Haninge returns to the same place over and over again, to show us how it changes throughout the year.

At the beginning of March, I showed one of the gardens at Elizabeth Park in mid-summer (the smaller photo to the left).  Today I am showing the same scene at the margin between winter and spring, before the first flowering plants appear.  Not much going on today, but under the surface . . .

In the coming months, we will see this plot several more times.

The building in the background is an administrative and educational building for the Friends of Elizabeth Park.


  1. This will be interesting to see your scene in different seasons.

    If you are now imitating Steffe's technique, can we expect to see you do portraits and interviews with strangers, including young blond women, bikers, people with body piercings, etc?

  2. "Hey buds below...up is where to grow"

  3. Great fun to see the contrast. I enjoy seeing the top photo since it says "spring is coming" to me!!

  4. What a difference! Looks like they have a huge greenhouse.

  5. To see it now and this way make us realise the work and time behind the summer beauty..

  6. There are lots of little unseen changes happening under that surface. I look forward to seeing what the ground yields! We also have an Elizabeth Park... I suppose there are probably thousands of them across the world. Still, it's a name I'm partial to!

    Oh, and thanks for calling me weird. I like people who tell it like it is!

  7. It's the moment when nature seems to wait - we'll see it in full bloom soon:)

  8. Such a lot of work in that type of garden. I will enjoy seeing photos of the different seasons there.

  9. Looking forward to seeing spring come to that garden!

  10. What a wonderful place!I am sure you will be able to show us something spectacular very soon...

  11. I remember that first photo and how impressed I was with the garden. I like your suggestion that while the surface now seems rather barren there are all kinds of things going on underground!

  12. Looks lovely with the flowers

  13. I look forward to the changing seasons.

  14. Jack, great images. I like the light and shadows. Glad to hear about your friends and hopefully they enjoy Italy!

  15. Well ! Always a mini camera in my poket or bag. have send 2 or 3 pictures for a competition here ,in Lausanne, but they ask me more mio !!! For the blog they are enought, not for enlarge pictures for compétition. Just to bad. Had to start again, my lace dress'birds under my arm !
    That for intriguing you to go on my blogs....
    Hello from Switzerland !

  16. I enjoy seeing the same place in different seasons. Especially in place that really has seasons.

    PS: I'm still working in Jackson at the multiple sailors company until Thursday. On Friday I'm moving for realsies to Toronto. Will probably start job hunting in another few weeks once we find a house!
