Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Housing Developments

These are the last of my airplane photos.  I promise.  They are housing developments photographed from the window of an airplane as it approached the airport serving Hartford.  I thought the patterns were pretty, and they illustrate how much snow was on the ground.  Of course, it snowed hard yesterday and there is even more snow on the ground now.  Not that you could tell from this high . . .
(I think the smaller bottom photo is worth clicking on.)


  1. Jack, I've enjoyed these air photos. A new perspective and well done.

  2. I like these! Don't get to see that around here!

  3. I have enjoyed these aerial photos. I hope you fly in during a different season for contrast.

  4. The patterns in the snow look kind of lacy from the air.

  5. This picture is wonderful, thanks so much for sharing!

  6. These are beautiful shots! That top neighborhood has large yards. I like that. Well, I like them better without all the snow but, you know what I mean.

  7. That first shot is so great. I love the view.

  8. I have enjoyed your aerial look at Hartford. Today's shots are expecially nice. It's amazing how organized everything looks from the sky!

  9. The second photo would make a killer jigsaw puzzle and the top one looks like a pen and ink drawing... excellent photos, Jack!

    Oh, and the Southern belle Francophile replied...


  10. I like the airplane shots, Jack. These are cool.I agree that the patterns are fun to look at from the air. Sometimes I wonder how residents find their way around those twisting neighborhoods. Some of them look so convoluted!

    Hope you're making out OK with the snow.

  11. I love the aerial shots Jack! That would be cool to see from the air, glad you shot and shared it with us.

  12. I think these ones are far and away the best of your aerial shots. They might be my favorites of your pics so far! (but then again, I'm a sucker for really geometric photos...) I can see you're loving your new camera, dad!

  13. These photos are so beautiful Jack! I love especially the first one, an snow makes it even prettier:)

  14. I did click on the smaller one and it is fantastic! I thought of a jigsaw puzzle too when I saw it.

  15. I have very mixed feelings about developments but I guess you have so much more space than we do. They do look like lovely little doll's houses, don't they?!
    What I notice though are the perfectly cleared streets. Over here, you'd be skidding on them.

  16. I was so pleased to see the "from above" photos, great posts. This one reminds me the cells of the leaf under microscope. I hope people do not feel watched.

  17. I too have loved this series of aerial shots! it looks like a very organized town.

  18. The big house on the corner lot...can you see me waving? Just kidding!
    These are great shots, the smaller pic is really excellent enlarged.
    ☼ Sunny

  19. Very nice photos! When I posted an air photo flying out of Heathrow a couple of years ago, it took about 7 minutes before a lady posted that she lived there--even gave me the coordinates.

  20. You must have had a wonderful time up there, taking all these splendid photos.

  21. I like your airplanes pictures! the world is so different seen from above! and even more when there's snow!

  22. I like the simmetry under the snow!

  23. Great pictures, love the way things resolve into patterns, seen from that height. These remind me of (and are as good as) an exhibition I saw of aerial photos some while back.

  24. I didn't mean that all new developments are horrible! Let's just say that I'm always a bit sad when I see man further encroaching on land, nature, which is more of a problem here than it is in the wide USA!

  25. Fantastic pictures, specially the "little" one!

  26. Terrific perspective! Someone mentioned how clean the streets were. I see that the good people of Hartford took the mayor's threats to heart - they found off-street parking so they wouldn't be towed and owe $400.
