Monday, December 6, 2010

A Modern Stone Wall

This stone wall is on display at Real Art Ways through March 20, 2011.  The artist's statement explains that in his stonewalls, minimalism, conceptualism and environmental art all find their common ground.
He says that he is interested in the New England stonewall as a metaphor; a metaphor for the conquest of the wild . . .  a metaphor for our democracy which was founded on labor, migration, individual determinaton, and communal vision . . . a metaphor for a sense of place; a metaphor for New England itself.

The artist?  I expected a nice traditional New England name like Caleb Loring or Jebidiah Applethwaite.

Nope.  Olu Oguibe.  I must become more open-minded.


  1. I wonder if they have all the pieces numbered or is it new at each exhibit.

  2. It is an interesting idea for an exhibit. But I'm not sure I would consider a stone wall "fine" art. Hope you will not think me a snob for saying so!

  3. A wall within walls! I like his artist statement, and the wall itself is beautiful... but it would be even prettier outside, being useful! But I guess that's his point.

  4. Lol @ the names you came up with. I ummm prefer the walls outside. They are and should remain an integral part of landscapes...

  5. I LOVE stone walls. Always have. And I remember the first time I was up in New England...I marveled at them...

    Perhaps that's why we live in Stone Creek...we've got lots of lovely stone walls!

    And I agree about the metaphors...if you don't push 'em too far.

  6. Let's say he is a good seller of his work!

  7. There is a stone wall not too far from me and I have always wondered about it. This is an interesting piece of art.

  8. Different concept of art!Very interesting!
    I know I know...I should be hours there taking pictures from wall stone and details! :)

  9. Philosophical Note 1.1 for Halcyon.
    Sol LeWitt: Notes on Conceptual Art
    "All ideas are art if they are concerned with art and fall within the conventions of art." Michael Bramwell
