Sunday, December 5, 2010

Stone Walls

The drive into Hill-Stead (featured yesterday) is lined with stone walls.

Stone walls are an iconic feature of the New England countryside.  This part of the country is very rocky.  Before farmers could hope to tease crops from the land, they first had to do the back-breaking work of removing the rocks.  What did they do with all of those rocks?  Why, they built walls.

Tomorrow you will see a different kind of stone wall.


  1. Loved learning about the UConn ladies basketball. And the winter field photo is just lovely. So many beautiful things on this site!

  2. This was a thing that happened once even in our countryside, but the last stone walls are now crumbling or full of weeds.

  3. That is so beautiful. I would love to spend the day walking around here.

  4. Stone walls are great! The older the better.

  5. I love this tradition. It reminds me of the stone walls around Lexington, Ky. Not something you find in California, unless the stones are trucked in.

  6. looks like English countryside
