Monday, October 5, 2020

The Lights Go Out in West Hartford


Today the house that has been home in West Hartford for forty years passes into new hands.

The new owners are a fine couple with two teenagers.  I know it will be as good for them as it was for us.


  1. I'm sure you feel some sadness, you must have some good memories after all that time. It is, however, surprising how quickly one adapts to a new home and there be lots of memories to create there too.
    By the way, the ice cream 'du jour' was salted caramel. Yes, I like the fancy ones - though I only buy tubs of good vanilla for the freezer at home.

  2. How poignant to leave a place of so many memories...and I wish you all the best in your new location (is it Florida I wonder?)

  3. Good luck with the move and the unpacking at the other end, Jack! It is good that you will be close to your daughter and her family.

  4. Oh wow, you must be having all sorts of mixed feelings.

  5. Sometimes it is hard to move on, Jack. It is a fine looking house. Thank you for all your recent comments. I do appreciate hearing from you.

  6. Quite a long time to have lived there, Jack.

  7. Forty years is a long time and a lot of memories, Jack. I wish you the best as you move on. Are you still going to blogging or are you moving on from that too? In any case, good luck with your move and take care.

  8. Gosh I thought 36 years was a long time in one spot Jack, you beat me by four years. Here's to making new memories ✨
