Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Introducing Southwest Daily Images

 First, there was Hartford Daily Photo.  Then, I bought a winter home in Naples, Florida, and this blog became Naples and Hartford in Season.  Now, my summer home has moved from West Hartford to Ridgefield, a lovely town along the border between Connecticut and New York.

So . . . this blog is now Southwest Daily Images.  

Southwest?  What do Naples and Ridgefield have to do with the Southwest?  

Well, Naples is the center of Southwest Florida and Ridgefield is in Fairfield County, the southwest corner of both Connecticut and New England.  I have much to discover about this part of New England.  Come and learn along with me.

(Touch of Sedona, Southwest Gifts and Healing Center is a small shop on Main Street in Ridgefield.)


  1. Enjoy your new home. I look forward to seeing the pics you share.

  2. Smart branding, Jack! You will enjoy seeing the grandkids so much more than before!

  3. This place is featuring Kokopelli, the SW God of fertility and agriculture. Are your photos going to become more agricultural? Looking forward to seeing what you find around your new home.

  4. A new branding makes sense with the move.

  5. Congrats on the new place Jack!

  6. You'll have fun exploring and learning about your new area and of course taking some great photos too. :)

  7. Congratulations on your move. I'm also considering a move to be close to grandchildren, but it won't happen for at least a year. That will take me to North Carolina! It looks like Ridgefield is full of photo opportunities for you.
