Saturday, August 8, 2020

A Stroll Along Prospect Avenue

Prospect Avenue divides the City of Hartford from the Town of West Hartford.
There are some interesting large homes on one long block on the Hartford side.

I think this had become a boarding house for a while, but it appears to have been fixed up
and no longer shows signs of multifamily living.

I would usually shoot from an angle that avoids the overhanging tree branch,
but this time I shot from across the street and decided to accept realism.

Same here.  This house was occupied for a long time by a woman known for her passion for architectural preservation.  It has been on the market for a couple of years and the burnt lawn, dead tree and tangled flag bunting suggest that it might no longer be occupied.  It is still listed for sale on Zillow.


  1. These are gorgeous homes, Jack!

  2. The vacant house made me smile, it has so many different roof lines and decorations. A great post of those beautiful old homes.

  3. Interesting collection of fine, old homes. They look back on an era of prosperity and large families. These homes need a staff to run smoothly including a gardener.
