Saturday, June 6, 2020

Yesterday's Walk to West Hartford Center

I needed exercise.  So I took a walk to West Hartford Center, a little less than 2 miles away.

Two women in pink caught my eye.  They are the outgoing presidents of the 
West Hartford Garden Club.  They were passing a gavel and standing six feet apart.

I passed a house with a prominent tree that I had not noticed before.

Trout Brook is about halfway to the center.

The Unitarian church displayed banners in support of social issues.  The Baptist church did not.

The town is closing lanes of the main streets in West Hartford Center, installing barriers and restriping the parking spaces so the many restaurants in the center can host guests
in expanded outdoor patios.

And a small luncheonette that had to close during the pandemic nevertheless posted
optimistic signs in the windows.


  1. Great collection. We have a nearby town which has also fenced off the parking areas of the main street to provide more outdoor dining areas for restaurants. Somehow I don't want to take a bite with exhaust fumes, even if it's outdoors.

  2. Thank you for taking us on your walk around town. The houses have wonderful garden plantings, and the city has done a good thing for local restaurants by providing them outside space. Yes, we will get through this by working together.

  3. They are talking about doing that for patios here when the restaurants which may be in 2 weeks!
