Sunday, June 7, 2020

A Nearby Walk

I walked down the street and around the block.

From time to time this neighbor changes the clothes on Gardenia, her “garden girl” or scarecrow. 
She is now dressed for the prom in honor of all the girls and their dates who were  
unable to go to a prom this year!

Many neighbors now have seating in the front of their houses, maybe because they are starved 
for human interaction after the "stay at home" orders during the coronavirus shutdown.

And one local child put out a friendly display.


  1. Children everywhere seem to be involved in painting stones during "lockdown"; my brother recently answered a request from a nearby Mum for stones for her children to paint. He had some nice round stones which used to live in his fish tank so he washed them off and put them outside to be collected. He was rewarded with a nicely painted ladybird stone which appeared on his doorstep a couple of days later.

  2. Interesting seating arrangements...and those wonderful homes.

  3. A wonderful walk around the neighborhood. I love those colorful chairs and Gardenia in the garden.

  4. Hi Jack (I would never say that on an airplane), You asked about the painting. Here is a website:
    It is a painting by illustrator Harvey Dunn who was from Brookings, SD and taught art here before moving to NYC, and then doing drawings and paintings for the U.S. Army during WWI. This is his most famous painting, but I expect few have heard of him outside of SD. The reason we have an art museum is to house his work.

  5. It is nice that someone is thinking of the kids' lost proms!

  6. Quite the neighborhood. I've seen the painted rocks here, too.
