Monday, March 23, 2020

Swallow-tailed kites

 You might have noticed that most of my recent photos are wildlife and nature. 

Given the constraints of social distancing and concern about getting or transmitting
COVID-19, I rarely venture out of the confines of my gated community in Florida.

Fortunately, it is an Audubon certified sanctuary, so wildlife and nature are plentiful.
Kites return to Southwest Florida in the spring.  Nice to see them back.


  1. That's great that you can see so many birds right in your home territory!

  2. What a fabulous bird! You are lucky to be in such a location, Jack!

  3. Beautiful bird! You are lucky to have so much nature near by.

  4. I know you are making the best of your location. Your photos have been beautiful. Stay well.

  5. Do you know where Kites spend the winter? Would think Florida might be a perfect place for them, but apparently not.
