Thursday, August 15, 2019

Stilts Building

Blue and green were the colors of the Hartford Whalers, a National Hockey League team that played in Hartford from 1979 through 1997.  Hartford now has a minor league baseball team 
-- the Yard Goats -- with the same blue and green color scheme.

The "Stilts Building" at 20 Church Street is just across the Route 84 corridor from Dunkin Donuts Park, where the Yard Goats play.  The owners have adopted a blue and green 
lighting scheme for the stilts, in support of the new team.

(No post yesterday. My laptop is at the Apple store for a new keyboard and didn’t get back in time.)


  1. That is the first day you have missed in a long time, Jack! Hope the fix on the laptop worked.

  2. Interesting photo of this unusual building. Looks like the architect took some of the poorer ideas from Le Carbusier in this post-modern building.
