Wednesday, May 15, 2019

College Graduation

It is the time of the year for college graduations.  New graduates appear in Elizabeth Park with friends or families with cameras.  I take my turn photographing some of them.

Sirette is graduating from the University of Hartford with a degree in communications.  She is friendly and athletic.  What do you think?  News anchor?  Sideline reporter for ESPN?  Model?

Kristin is graduating from Central Connecticut State University.  I asked her what she wanted to do after graduating and she said, "Rule the world."  When I told her Sirette already had that lined up, Kristin told me, "There is room for both of us."

(These photos were taken last week, before the recent run of atrocious weather.)


  1. It is an exciting time for these young women! Good luck to them.

  2. I have a feeling they could do a much better job ruling than current leadership just about anywhere right now. Best of luck to both.
