Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Chalk Art

On Saturday Fifth Avenue South was closed for a chalk art fundraiser.

 Nearly as much chalk on the artist as on the pavement.

This parrot was sponsored by a family.  A good way for a family to spend the day.

A high school's "Be Curious" design featured Stephen Hawking.

I recognized Kurt Vonnegut and Burt Reynolds in the bottom row but the top two stumped me.


  1. Looks like a fun day for everyone, Jack!

  2. Some great work there. The Naples Daily News "In Memoriam" portraits - the top two are Stan Lee and Aretha Franklin, both of whom died in the last year, as did Burt Reynolds. Which presumably means that the other picture is not Kurt Vonnegut but someone else who died recently, though I can't figure out who it might be.

  3. Yes!! Would Enjoy Seeing More Of This Behavior. Thanx For Sharing!!

