Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Cattle Drive

Florida has a 500-year cattle-raising tradition.  The Spanish brought cows to southwest Florida in 1521.  For centuries cattle have grazed inland, in places like present-day Immokalee.

On Saturday, Immokalee had a cattle drive down Main Street, with a herd of 200 cattle.  Taking part were Seminoles (who have a nearby reservation), descendants of some pioneer families,
and cowboys.

Dogs raced the herd's circumference, keeping the cattle in a tight pack.


  1. Flashback to another era, Jack!

  2. The dogs seem to keep things in good order.

  3. That's something you don't see every day!

  4. Good to see the cattle dogs working. Interesting mixed herd with some Long Horns. Have a friend with a cattle ranch in north Florida.
