Thursday, January 24, 2019

Open Studios at the Naples Art District

Randy Coleman was a lawyer and telecommunications lobbyist.  Fifteen years ago he started taking art classes at Washington's Corcoran College of Art.  He gravitated toward abstract geometric forms.  Two years later he retired and started painting full-time.  His Naples studio opened three years ago.

Susan Shipman has created art nearly as long as she has breathed.  Her non-exclusive list of things she likes to paint is "trees, designs in nature, music, flowers, the sun, the moon, light and darkness, color, roots, pathways, gates, clouds, blessings, rhythms, energy, mysteries, things seen and unseen."

Deborah Martin is passionate about the natural life in Southwest Florida's waters.  She combines her precise drawings with overpainting in an ancient technique and medium -- encaustic wax -- 
to celebrate marine animals and underwater scenes.

Chicago native Shirley Kelley paints abstracts both in her Naples studio and in her Montana cabin.
I visited her studio four years ago, too, and featured her here.