Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Main Street, Middletown

Downtown Middletown is home to left-leaning Wesleyan University and many poor folks
struggling with homelessness and addictions.  

Main Street and NoRa (North of Rappallo Ave.) are home to the expected mix of empty storefronts and social service centers.  But, entrepreneurs have incorporated the unusual Middletown vibe into some successful restaurants, arts venues, retail stores and bars. 


  1. It's the fire station that particularly catches my attention.

  2. The perfect kind of area for the artistic community to move in until it becomes super hip and then gentrification takes place! It is happening all over Toronto so much that artists have started to move to other cities but gentrification is following them there too! My old studio is now an upscale Italian restaurant.

  3. Very nice job of sharing the vibe and architecture! Good shots.

  4. "Mainstreet, Middletown" sounds like it could be a metaphor for modern life, and in many ways perhaps it could. Effective documentary shots of the neighbourhood. Walker Evans would I'm sure approve of your no nonsense approach.

  5. You have good tastes in subjects. I featured Irreplaceable Artifacts in one of my posts last year. Middletown is a great little city and I enjoy visiting there.
