Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Farewell, Wild Bill

Wild Bill Ziegler accumulated tons and tons of . . . let's call it "stuff" . . . over the decades.
His Wild Bill's Nostalgia Center was a fun place to explore or photograph for an hour or two.
Bill died in April.  This weekend his family had a big sale before closing the doors.

I am the least hippie-like person you know, but I always had fun visiting Wild Bill's
and looking to see what new outrage he had found or created.

Farewell, Wild Bill.  It was fun while it lasted.


  1. It must take many pleasurable hours to go through all these "treasures!" Yes, Jack, many of us have these secret parts of our personalities, and I am not the least bit surprised that you have a Hippie streak that surfaces in your personality at times. :>)

  2. And now they have to try to sell all of those things!

  3. Eccentric, but a photographer's dream!

  4. A lot of people will arrive home with things and wonder what on earth to do with them! That's what I'd probably do anyway. The world needs some wild characters.

  5. Looks like an interesting place and lots of fun to visit. Sad that it is closing.

  6. Fantastic! What great fun. Sad to see it closing a chapter.

  7. Looks like a great loss. I like such characters.
