Sunday, July 15, 2018


Bob Crowe of St. Louis Daily Photo recently showed some spectacular fireworks photos and generously shared his technique.  Last night I went to the Hartford fireworks.  I arrived late enough that I had to go to a backup site, the Colt building with its onion dome.  Not perfect.

Some photographs came out decently, though the composition leaves much to be desired.

Try and try again.  Thanks, Bob.


  1. I would say you got some excellent tips. Even the pros don't get perfect photos all of the time.

  2. Well done, Jack! I think these turned out well. I'll have to check out Bob's tips.

  3. I love the dome in there, Jack!

  4. Well done Jack! I love the last photo, perfect and nicely composed.

  5. Thanks for the nod. I think the blue onion dome looks celestial - quite appropriate

  6. By the way, the formula for shooting fireworks was on the Facebook version of this post, not on my blog. Here's how it goes:

    Must use tripod and cable release. ISO 100, f11, shutter on bulb. Click open the shutter as the burst starts and close it as it fades. The shutter is open for a few seconds. Works every time. Of course background and composition are important.

  7. They look good to me - but 'practice makes perfect'.
