Thursday, December 22, 2016

People on the Street

Anna smiled as she walked out of the federal courthouse.  She is Jamaican and had just been sworn in as a U.S. citizen.  Anna lives in Bridgeport and is a dental hygienist.  Congratulations, Anna!

Jesse saw my camera and wanted me to take his picture.  Here it is.  Jesse was homeless but he says he is pulling his life together.  He also wanted a dollar for the bus.  I gave it to him.

Jeff was OK with me taking a picture, but his body language said I had one shot and better not dawdle.  As he hustled away, he told me over his shoulder that he is a lawyer.

Matt works in a men's clothing store.  I bought my son a tie and scarf from him.  
Don't worry.  My son doesn't read this blog, so he will still be surprised.

Michele with one L is a marketing consultant.  She helps small businesses devise and implement social media programs to increase their revenues.  I wish I picked a better background.
With her flowing black hair, dark and geometric brick was a mistake.


  1. Gosh, you're so bold stopping people in the street! Your portraits are wonderful, as always. Even if I was brave enough to ask, I'd likely fluff the actually taking bit, as I'd be so flustered!

  2. Anna is a beauty and congratulations to her. I think Jesse would make a great character actor. He has a handsome face. Jeff is a true "time is money" kind of guy. I bet Matt is a good salesman. And, Michele is a pretty lady with a big smile. I enjoy meeting your people around town.

  3. Gosh, you (and Steffe from Sweden Tungelstad daily photo) are doing so well with photographing people. I envy you! :-)

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours.

  4. What a fine collection of portraits. Jack, you have a great touch with people. Congratulations to Anna. She looks happy in your picture.

  5. Another excellent group of portraits, Jack!

  6. That top picture - wow, what light! And a big day for here. I've attended a naturalization ceremony at the local USDC. It was impressive.

  7. More wonderful portraits. It does seem to be a skill to stop people and catch a good shot...Jeff, for instance, is on fast idle. But you caught a great moment with Anna, a real beauty, and a good one of Jesse, too.
