Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Hail, hail, the gang's all here !!

Lola and Sequoia had to stay behind on Susie's and Wessel's Johannesburg farm when they emigrated to the States in October.  But, last week the two weimaraners arrived in Connecticut.
(Thanks for the photo, Susie.)

It is quite a jolt for short-haired dogs to go from a hot African summer to the bone-chilling cold
and snow of a New England winter.  But, the girls are ready for it.

Back to Connecticut through year-end.  I will be looking for my own warm jacket.


  1. Those dogs have such adorable faces. I bet they were excited to see their family regardless of the cold.

  2. Those dogs have probably never felt cold in their lives!

  3. They are cute! I'm sure they will handle the snow and cold with gusto.

  4. Ah, so they have made the journey at last. What sweet faces!

  5. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with family and dogs, even if it is a bit chilly in Hartford.

  6. Welcome to the U.S., little girls! I hope they adjust well to the change. In addition to the climate I suspect there aren't going to be long walks on dirt roads through the countryside.
