Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day

Freedom Park is at the corner of Golden Gate Parkway and Goodlette Frank Road in Naples.
Last year a memorial was erected to remember the victims of September 11 
as well as police, fire fighters and veterans.


  1. The money spent on memorials and the time spent looking at them with tears in our eyes does little to make amends for the suffering and loss of life. One day perhaps we'll not need any more such memorials. Whether the US has taken a step in that direction this week remains to be seen.

  2. The memorial is a very impressive tribute.

  3. You took a well composed photo of the new memorial.

  4. This new memorial is very impressive. Appropriate for the day!

  5. That is a very impressive memorial.

  6. It is indeed an impressive memorial Jack, the eagle atop the flagpole is a nice touch.

  7. A very impressive memorial and a nice photo that illustrates its beauty.

  8. Fine post for Veteran's Day, Jack. It is good to honor those who served our country. BTW, thank you for your comments today. I appreciate your opinions. I noticed many fewer political signs this year than any recent election. Perhaps candidates are relying more on electronic media.

  9. That's a handsome and creative design. I like it.

  10. A fitting monument.

    Regarding your comment at my post the other day, the fall shots I'm showing were all taken at some point in October, though I've only finished taking fall shots last weekend for a post or two that I'll have to get to in December.
