Thursday, November 10, 2016

Traffic Circles

You can't imagine how controversial these traffic circles in Olde Naples have been.

I am betting that a few months after the roads are re-opened, the other neighborhoods will
be clamoring to have their own traffic circles installed.  So much better than traffic lights!  


  1. I came to like traffic circles when driving in Ireland. Wish we had more of them. You are right about them being superior to traffic lights.

  2. Roundabouts are much better than traffic lights but can still get crowded and slow depending upon the time of day.

  3. Traffic circles sure beat stop-lights and they serve their purpose by slowing the traffic down and making life nicer for both residents and travellers.

  4. I agree! I much prefer a traffic circle to a traffic light!

  5. The roundabouts with multiple lanes are confusing to me; in fact, I had my first accident in one of them last summer. Police said they cause endless problems with many accidents. I like those of just one lane, but the others are difficult.

  6. I sure agree. They are not common in the US (outside of Boston) and our drivers find them confusing. But having driven a fair amount in Europe, where they are everywhere, I know they keep the traffic flowing.

  7. You are right. No traffic lights no stop signs.

  8. We call them roundabouts and they definitely make for better traffic flow

  9. We have a few similar here Jack, maybe even a bit flatter.. at first people just ignored them and drove over them 😀 They are excellent for slowing traffic down and as Mo said, better traffic flow.

  10. These are fine so long as drivers understand the rules of the road. I've been caught behind drivers who don't get it and stop at incoming roads to let waiting drivers in. Perfect recipe for fender benders.
