Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Rose Show

There are often flower and plant shows in Elizabeth Park's Pond House. I usually don't visit.
But, on Sunday, I walked into the rose show near the end, when prizes were being awarded.

This couple fit my imagination's image of rose fanciers.

There were competitions for different categories of roses and for different kinds of displays.
These were, obviously, in the category of boxed roses.  Don't ask me any questions.
I don't know a thing about rose competitions.

This woman was cooing at a delicate rose with very subtle coloring and a heavenly scent,
so her friend (and I) photographed her with it.


  1. Pretty roses in a row. Thanks for sharing.

  2. You covered that atmosphere at this place very well with your photos. Love the hat on the woman! Wish we continued to wear hats as in "the good ole days!"

  3. i imagine it must have smelled sooooo good in there!

  4. I don't really understand how these things are judged but, I do love to look at all the gorgeous flowers. Nice shots!

  5. Terrific shots! I'd be out of my element trying to explain this too.

  6. Nice shots of something very confusing. It's like a dog show - who knows what the judges see?

  7. Gorgeous roses! Your photos capture the enjoyment people get from these events. Well done Jack.

  8. Me either. I think the couple in the second photo are rose fanatics, not just fanciers.
