Friday, May 27, 2016

Monticello in Connecticut

Somers is half an hour north of Hartford, just south of the Massachusetts line.  A few years ago, the now-102 year old co-founder of a restaurant chain got it in his head that he wanted to build 
a modern replica of Thomas Jefferson's home on nearby land.  He spent $7 million to do it.

Finished two years ago, he put it up for sale at $6.5 million.  No takers.  The price was reduced to $4.9 million.  Still no takers.  So, on May 31 it goes up for auction.  No reserve.
Crack open your piggy banks, kiddies.

(And, it is iris season in Elizabeth Park.)


  1. What a gorgeous estate. It could become a bargain for somebody at the auction.

  2. Looks a rather large project to embark upon at the age of 102. I'm not surprised it doesn't sell- look at all the grass there is to mow.

  3. If you can afford the house, I'm sure you can afford a modern lawn mower as well John. Or get a really good workout with a push reel mower!

  4. Looks like a good place for a community fine arts learning centre: think of it, pottery, photography, painting, writing workshops and gardening with floral arranging. Build a greenhouse, too. Buy it, Jack, and you can be CEO. I'll assist with marketing and publicity. I'll only offer once! Re. Elizabeth Park: I have fallen in love with Irises this year. Take many photos!

  5. That doesn't seem like a good return for his investment Jack :)

  6. He ought to give it to a charity based organization. He obviously isn't in financial distress. It is a great replica of Jefferson's Monticello though.

  7. wow, what an undertaking! it is too bad it didn't sell...we live near monticello and can you believe we still haven't visited? it is on our list to do...we have seen jefferson's poplar forest though...maybe we will cross it off our list this summer! have a great memorial weekend!

  8. Sounds like he's going to lose a little bit of money on this project. It is a beautiful place though.

  9. Money to burn and not someone in his life to take him aside and suggest he do something else, apparently...

  10. The irises have been out here too but it is very hot so they are coming and going quickly!
    That house would be a real bargain in our housing market.

    I had a used Raleigh - blue with a luggage rack on back - loved it!

  11. Not a good investment... very sad, the house is beautiful.

  12. No rich people from New York or Boston, or perhaps Russia, want this replica of historic America? If I recall correctly tobacco grows in the Connecticut River valley, like it does in Virginia.
