Saturday, May 28, 2016

Derrin House

Fire broke out two weeks ago at the 1810 Derrin house, home of one of Avon's earliest families.
Workers restoring the house tossed oily rags in trash cans and they spontaneously ignited.

The Avon Historical Society uses it as a farm museum.  They had planned to have a 
celebration in June to recognize the Derrin family's arrival in town 250 years ago.
One room has extensive fire damage and others have heat and smoke damage.
Fund-raising to fix it is underway.


  1. That's a shame Jack but hopefully they will gather enough funds to restore it.

  2. Oh, I hope that it can be restored successfully. I am somewhat surprised that workers would be so careless. I love these old homestead places and feel sorrowful, even though I am unfamiliar with it.

  3. Hopefully restoration work can go smoothly.

  4. What a shame about the fire.

  5. Err.. I have the same horse-drawn rake in my front yard...

  6. The fire is sad to see in such an historic house, especially as it was being restored. Do like the antique hay rake in the foreground.

  7. Wow -- spontaneous combustion?! Interesting. Hopefully, it was insured and not too much was lost. Such a shame.

  8. That's a shame, but luckily it wasn't razed to the ground. Hopefully they can restore it. It looks an interesting place.
