Monday, May 30, 2016

Commencement and Reunion Weekend

OK.  You found me out.  I went to Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.

Campus Dance is on Friday night, with one area for younger alumni and another for older.

If you didn't take a selfie, did you graduate?

Brown is on College Hill.  Did I mention that the hill is very steep?

In the commencement procession, faculty members start down the hill first, in their
colorful academic regalia, followed by members of the administration
and the Corporation (i.e., governing body).

After the graduate students, alumni/ae march (or limp or walk or dance, depending on their ages) down the hill.  The oldest classes go first, and the boisterous recent classes bring up the rear.
This gentleman is from the class of 1946.  Do the math!  (I get about 92 years old.)

Class marshals lead the graduating seniors down the hill.

It is always a joyful celebration, and this weekend perfect weather played a helpful role.


  1. A joyous event. Very colourful regalia, presumably as an antidote to the university having such a dull name as "Brown".

  2. I was looking for your "selfie," but didn't see it, Jack. Yes, it must have been a joyous event for everyone, especially the young'ins. Very much enjoyed the photo of the older graduate.

  3. I feel like I was there with you. Wonderful photos!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. What an awesome collection of photos, Jack! Great documentation. I love all the smiles. From the evening party to the procession, you can tell there's a lot of tradition at Brown. Have a nice rest of the weekend! (Do active retirees know when the weekend starts/ends? Just curious…) : )

  5. So many HAPPY faces.
    Looks like a great event!

  6. What a joyous time of celebration!

  7. The kids all look so happy, Jack! Love the older gentleman.

    What is happening with the CDP portal - no updates for a few days? I hope we haven't been hacked again.

  8. Lovely photos of this event. Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. What a great college tradition. You did a nice job in capturing the festivities. You must have been hanging with the young alums. I didn't see any pictures of you with the more senior alums.

  10. Good luck to all those young grads. It looks like a great weekend.
