Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Captain Dave

These are from a day of sailing in late February.  I am back in Florida today after two wonderful weeks in Peru and Ecuador.  Give me a day or two to pay bills and catch my breath.

Captain Dave skippers the 40-something foot cutter Sundance, which sails out of Fort Myers Beach.

Captain Dave is a character.


  1. Great portraits; I especially like the second and third.

  2. Ahoy Captain Dave! You've captured the captain handsomely Jack :) welcome home to Florida, enjoyed your holiday shots very much!

  3. He certainly looks like the sort who'd be at home on the water.

  4. He looks like a character, certainly! Loved going on holiday with you. Hope the transition to back home is smooth.

  5. Been following your adventures on FB... Looks like you had a fantastic time!

  6. Great portraits! Cpt. Dave has the look of someone who's spent plenty of time outdoors on the water.
