Thursday, March 17, 2016

Allure of the Senses

To give the Allure -- a proposed high-rise tower project -- some buzz, 23 large iron sculptures were quietly placed around downtown Fort Myers in the middle of a December night.

The exhibition is called "Allure Your Senses."

They are an installation through March by Colombian sculptor Edgardo Carmona.

Don Quixote stands in front of the Chamber of Commerce.


  1. This is really nice. It adds a spark to a city tour.

  2. What a great idea. Can't beat art!

  3. Really? This public art display is tied to a proposed private development? Interesting. I didn't realize that. I thought it was just a temporary display called 'Allure'. Curious.

  4. I think the art displays are more worthwhile than the project- I've seen too many empty promises by real estate developers.

  5. These are very fun! I love Don Quixote.

  6. Very creative marketing strategy. I hope it brought a great deal of awareness to the artist. I have to wonder though did it work and will the high-rise include some of this artists works in its decor?

  7. Very whimsical. Not horses, but I still like them!

  8. I like these. Playful yet artistic.

  9. First, I want to say that I followed your series from Machu Pichu and the Galapagos with fascination and a bit of envy. Some day...

    I certainly would not characterize these sculptures as alluring. They make an attempt to be playful but in the end they are soulless rust.

  10. So cute Jack - they would certainly be a talking point.

  11. Mr. Carmona has been busy Jack :) I bet there were some surprised faces about the morning after!

  12. Love your composition in the first shot but Don Quixote is my favourite!

  13. This is a new take on "it pays to advertise."
