Sunday, February 21, 2016

Yellow House

This house is an older Bonita Springs home, built in the Old Florida style, with open front porch, metal roof with peaked gables and deep overhangs.

In January, I had a post about an exhibition at the Naples Depot about the 1997 Swamp Buggy Queen. Checking blog comments a few days ago, I discovered that Stacy Rhodes, the 1997 swamp
buggy queen, had found the post and wrote a nice comment about the first swamp buggy queen.
We never know who reads our blogs, do we?  Thanks, Stacy.


  1. That's a very attractive dwelling, looks as though it might belong on a tea plantation in India. I love it when unexpected visitors arrive in the comments section.

  2. Very typical of south Florida, especially in the coastal areas. Lois' sister lives in Bonita Springs, and we used to stay at the Hampton Inn there when scouring the area, e.g. Sanibel Island.

  3. This house just says "Florida". I love it.

  4. I agree with Sharon, the house does indeed say "Florida"!! Wonderful shot, Jack, as always!! Hope you have a great new week!!

  5. It is interesting how often our posts correspond. I like this and definitely would prefer to live in this cottage rather than a more modern condo.

  6. I've always like the looks of these traditional Florida houses. Good shot.

  7. I could happily live there, Jack!
    I'm always surprised to get a comment out of the blue about an old post that someone has seen and has a connection to, usually by an older family member.

  8. It's a beautiful house. I can imagine living there!

  9. Well, this just has my name written all over it. I could use some time there right

  10. Well Michelle above, you may have to share with moi, j'adore this style of home Jack!

  11. I think the gang's all ready to move in, including me.
    Isn't it a kick to get unexpected feedback on your blog? And from a Swamp Buggy Queen at that! Fun!
