Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Wellfleet is a quaint town on the Outer Cape, with many art galleries.
This woman is going to be shocked when the bronze figure throws that ball at her.

Mansard roofs were popular in 19th century Wellfleet.  To honor its artist colony reputation,
I put this photo through a watercolor program.  What do you think?

There are crafts shops in addition to art galleries.

This gallery owner is proud of her balanced, geometric garden.

And, even a local market owner makes its streetside display kind of artistic in Wellfleet.


  1. I try to stay away from all the artistic photo filters. It's a fun sculpture though.

  2. The bronze lady is unusually modest for an artwork. The watercolour treatment is more successful than some, though I don't care for those strange black dotted lines. There's been some research on brightly-coloured birdboxes which concluded that bright yellow is best to attract nesting birds, probably because the hole shows up well, unfortunately they also attract the attentions of predators.

  3. I'm enjoying your pictures from the Cape. It doesn't look like I'll get out to the Cape this year, so these pictures will have to do. Nice work!

  4. I love this place. Don't go home!

  5. That guy about to throw the ball makes a great photo. And, I love the watercolor effect.

  6. These are great street scenes, Jack. Especially the first one... the butt of a few jokes, I bet.

  7. Oh, how fun!! I have/am enjoying this series of yours so much, Jack!! Thank you, as always, for sharing the fun and the beauty! Hope your week is going well!!

  8. Quite a sculpture, and I really like the look of the town!

  9. I think we'd all be shocked if the bronze statue throws the ball at her Jack :) I absolutely love the water colour effect, I used to be able to do it but not any more, not sure why. What programming do you use Jack?

  10. I like everything here, but not your 'watercolor': please post the original image!

  11. I thought your watercolour was a card that was for sale there, Jack! What a pretty place that is!

  12. Looks like a fun place. I like the watercolor effect.

  13. Super timing in that 1st photo, Jack !

  14. This looks like a fun place to roam around with t a camera and I bet it attracts many tourists. I like the watercolor effect. I think it emphasizes the lines of the building and made me want to go back at the photo above it to take a closer look.

  15. Looks like a charming little city.
    I'd be curious to see the original and the watercolor shots together. It looks as if a great deal of detail is lost, more than I'd expect. It's interesting.
