Monday, August 3, 2015

Kenyon Street

Kenyon Street is a pretty street in Hartford's West End.

The light is pretty strong in July and August, so some of the colors are a bit washed out.


  1. The houses on this street are very diverse and beautiful. I think I like the third one the best.

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    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. Beautiful homes. They don't build them like this any more.

  3. These so remind me of my home town in Illinois. Gorgeous neighborhood.

  4. These are really beautiful homes, Jack !

  5. Lovely homes indeed and they surely don't build them like this anymore!! Great captures as always, Jack, and a fun visit to "your world"! Hope you have a wonderful new week!! Enjoy!!

  6. You know my tastes run to the modern but I love all of these, Jack! It is interesting to me that they are all wooden homes. The same styles built here are brick but the feeling is the same. Very nice.

  7. These have very ornate touches. I wonder how old they are? (Laughing at all those power lines too! I cursed them when I was in New England trying to get photos.)

  8. We both have posts today about large house yet mine had a decidedly different purpose. These homes are lovely and look very good on their large lawns.

  9. Lovely homes. I particularly like the windows in the cone-shaped turret in the last photo. My wife and I wouldn't want to spend the time or money on one of these, though. Our priorities are elsewhere.

  10. The light green one would suit me nicely.

  11. So beautiful! Hard to pick one from the others...

  12. Very pretty selection of houses. Is that gold leaf on the first one?
