Sunday, July 26, 2015

More Walking on Park Road

Howard owns a tanning salon and a hair and beauty studio.
Yes, I could take his photograph, but beyond that, he's not talking.

I met Melissa last year in Middletown, when she worked the counter at NoRA Cupcakes.
This year I found her working at Black Diamond, a place that does piercings.
Melissa has a more sophisticated look this year, don't you think?

John writes poetry.  He saw my camera and said he would pose for me.  He wanted two dollars (for coffee) but if I didn't want to give it to him, that would be OK, he would still pose for me.
I gave him the two dollars.  He seemed like a nice guy who needed it.

Kim and Lily are mother and daughter.  Did you guess that?  I did.
Kim is receptionist for Green Man Tattoos, where her husband John is the tattoo artist.
Lily just got her nose pierced at Black Diamond, down Park Road.


  1. People always make for an interest subject. You will never run out. And yes... Melissa has a big change in her appearance.

  2. Well, what can I say? I understand and respect the tattoo cultures of Polynesian society and New Zealanders, but I do not feel the same way about body modification in our own. I try to be quiet about it, but I do not find it a bit attractive. If I offend anyone, I am sorry, but I just cannot get into the style of tattoos.

  3. Its really nice to see these people stories...I love these human stories a lot! :)

  4. You've rounded up an eclectic group of people for us today, all of them interesting and beautifully photographed.

  5. What a collection. What a haircut. Ummm... that many tattoos... well. OK, to each his own...

  6. Ah, an eclectic group these are indeed, Jack, and your captures are terrific as always! What a fun way to start my day, although I do have to admit that I feel pretty dull now!!!

  7. Quite a group, Jack! The tattoos are over the top - funny how some people get addicted to them.

  8. I have a L-O-N-G way to go to take pictures of people I don't know. You clearly have a knack, not to mention a good eye for the shot itself. What an interesting group of people each with his/her own story. Kudos to you for doing what I don't think I'll ever be able to do with my camera.

  9. Always great with so many portraits. Some great characters here.

  10. You are getting bolder and bolder. Great shots and interesting stories. Mom and daughter are clearly related!

  11. I do like Melissa's new look. Much improved, I think!

  12. Love that second shot and her tattoos.

  13. Were you out getting some ink done, Jack?
    Love this series of portraits. I agree Melissa is looking more sophisticated with her new hairdo!
    And it was kind of you to give John $2 for coffee. It doesn't make a big difference to you, but it probably does for him.

  14. I think you were very kind to give John $2. I'm impressed. I do think Melissa looks more sophisticated now, and Kim and Lily look very much alike.

  15. I'd have given him the two dollars too - and counted myself lucky to get outa there without any piercings or tattoos!

  16. Melissa takes her tattoos very seriously!

  17. I am not a fan of tattoos... I like Howard and his silence!

  18. Melissa's look has definitely changed (and she has more ink on her neck!). Interesting assortment of people today.
