Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Mike and his wife own Bloomfield Bicycle shop.   When electric-assisted bicycles came on the market, Mike realized that people like him would benefit from a boost.  Some bike stores carry two or three electric-assisted bikes as a novelty, but Bloomfield Bicycle went heavily into electric bikes.
They are now the biggest seller of electric bikes on the East Coast.

Still, with long hours and 75 years in his rear view mirrors, Mike was gaining weight, had diabetes and high blood pressure.  His doctor read him the riot act.  So, three months ago Mike made a commitment to riding his bike at least 20 miles a day.  He has dropped 45 pounds
in the last three months and has tossed out half of his pills.  Bravo, Mike!

I see an electric-assisted bicycle in my future.


  1. Mike is a inspiration. I like the photo and how you aligned him up with the sign. Just saying.

  2. Nice shot for CDP Theme Day - 1st August :).

  3. Great to see that Mike has taken his health seriously and has done something to improve it. Bravo! I think that the idea of an electric bike is one of the best current trends.

  4. Becoming very popular in my area now. And my brother used an e-bike during his recent visit to Barcelona. Very helpful when it is 30C or warmer even.

  5. That's terrific!!! I do wish more people would take their health that seriously!! Mike is certainly an inspiration!! An inspiring post for the day, Jack!! Thanks!! Hope your week is going well!!!

  6. Hmmm...there might be one in my future too. Excellent results, I'd say.

  7. Good for him. But 20 miles a day! The last time I rode a bike I needed a cortisone shot in my knee.

  8. Pedal power is best for the ticker.

  9. If an electric bike helps get people moving, I'm all for it! Way to go Mike on losing 45 pounds. That's quite an accomplishment.

  10. Good for Mike. His bike looks like a great road bike. No, you don't need an electric bike, just a good quality bike designed for the conditions in which you ride. And the best helmet available.

  11. Electric-assisted bicycles are a constant danger here because they are usually driven by people often unaware of their surroundings (pedestrians). You can easily find them speeding in pedestrian areas. Even worse, these bike are silent, unable to brake efficiently and also uninsured. I rest my case.

  12. Mike's setting a very good example. I'm impressed.

  13. Bravo, Mike! That's a worthy accomplishment...and quite a successful business, too.
