Saturday, July 4, 2015

Fourth of July

Today America celebrates its independence.
Happy birthday, America.  Be safe out there.


  1. Happy Independence Day, Jack !

  2. So many fireworks displays; so many choices. No big plans this year, but savor last year's memories of celebrating in a small North Shore town. I love small towns on the 4th!

  3. Good advice. I love all those flags!

  4. Happy 4th! KAboom! Enjoy your day. You'll probably spend it eating potato salad and photographing attractive women. ENVY!

  5. Oh, I love the first shot, too!! Great post for the day, Jack, hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!! Hmmmm I thank Birdman might be right -- potato salad and lovely women!! What a 4th!!

  6. I'm celebrating too. Always seems a little odd doing it here in England but no one seems to mind (or at least they are used to it by now). Our flag is out as per usual. Like your flags and I am hoping someone will let off a few fireworks tonight around here. Happy 4th of July!

  7. Happy 4th of July to you!! I like both of these shots a lot!

  8. Hope it was a good one for you! Love that firework shot.
