Tuesday, June 30, 2015


It is a lot harder finding a kid doing somersaults than you might think.

My young neighbor Lily volunteered to do a somersault.  It ended in what she calls a "bridge."

The July theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "upside down."
Click here tomorrow to see how CDP photographers interpret the theme.


  1. Lily's agility makes me very envious!!

  2. I don't think I was able to do this back as a kid, much less now :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. i used to be able to do the bridge from a standing position and just falling backwards onto my hands...now the thought scares me! i can do the bridge but have to start from a laying down position ha...i gotta see what i can dig up for this theme!

  4. I was just thinking this would be a good theme day post. I have an friend who likes to do hand stands and I was going to get him to do one for a photo but, wouldn't you know it, he's out of town.

  5. Nope, couldn't do it way back then and most assuredly not now, but AH, those young ones and they do make it look like fun!! Great shots for the day and thanks for the smiles!! Enjoy your day, Jack!!

  6. I can imagine more than a few people looking at that second shot and feeling their backs ache!

  7. Just the idea of doing a somersault sounds good to me, Jack! I'd probably break my neck now but we all did them a lot as kids!

  8. I used to be able to do a bridge in yoga class. Not any more. I'm ok with that. Go Lilly!

  9. I used to be able to do that. If I tried it now, I'd end up in the hospital.

  10. I'm afraid you're right. Maybe the rest of them are at home at their video game controls. This girl has better spirit.

  11. A funny upside-down moment!

  12. A very flexible young lady! Glad you found someone to volunteer for your shots. :)

  13. Even now that my kids are over 30, they still don't ever seem to be doing what I'd like them to do ...

  14. More activity in Elizabeth Park! (I think I can recognize it now.) These shots are a bit more lively than your Theme Day shot...just sayin'.
