Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Out of the Jurisdiction (Finale): Three Horned Animals

White rhinos were seen a couple of times a day, usually in pairs.
Sometimes the light was bad.  Sometimes they were too far away.
Sometimes they were grazing and their mouths were obscured.  Keep trying.

Welgevonden is a private fenced preserve patrolled by armed security officers.
White rhinos are endangered because poachers make big money selling rhino horns,
but every rhino I saw in Welgevonden was intact.

Blue wildebeest, or "gnu."  These are a form of buck (antelope).
(The colors are quite different, depending on whether they are in the sun or in the shade.)

Warthog.  A kind of pig.  He was too busy rooting to pose for me.

OK.  Enough Africa for now.  Back to three days of photos from Florida starting tomorrow.
Then, Connecticut.


  1. See them on TV, really wonder how's like being there, feeling must be exhilarating when you first witness the real thing in front of you. Cheers.

  2. You really have had a wonderful trip. I have just gone back and looked at all your photos. They are wonderful and lovely to see your darling family too.

  3. The only thing better than more photos from your fantastic trip would be to roam the preserve myself!

  4. All of these are great shots. I have to thank you for sharing them all. How fantastic to get to see all these animals in their natural habitat.

  5. What a wonderful trip you've taken us on, Jack!! I have so enjoyed all your photos!! Looking forward to more pics from Florida and Connecticut!! Have a safe trip!!

  6. I've enjoyed our journey to Africa, Jack!

  7. Amazing animals, Jack, particularly the rhino.

  8. Fine wildlife photography, especially since your long lens wasn't working. So sad that poachers will eliminate the large animals, especially rhinos, because of wrong information in the market place.

  9. Just catching up on your Africa pictures Jack. I have really enjoyed them!

  10. Your African photos are wonderful. It looks like another amazing trip.
    (I hope there will be another Willa portrait before you completely leave the subject!)

  11. It's great that you saw so many animals.

  12. We once rounded a bend in a trail in Nepal, down in the flatlands near the Indian border, and ran into a sleeping rhino. Enough for a lifetime. Great nature shots.

  13. Great photos from a really amazing trip...

  14. I've enjoyed your Africa posts so much Jack, made me a little homesick :)
