Monday, June 8, 2015

Out of the Jurisdiction: Buck

In Welgevonden, a private preserve in the highveld bush of northern South Africa, there is a pretty good variety of buck, or antelope as North Americans call them.

Impala are plentiful.  They are a favorite prey of big cats.  
Because of their food value, impala are called "the McDonalds of Africa."

Klipspringers are small, quick, skittish buck that are hard to spot and photograph.  Klipspringers mate for life.  This pair was kind enough to sit for a fast portrait before bounding away.

Kudu are a common enough large buck in Africa that they are harvested for steak.
The males have beautiful twisted horns, but on eight game drives, I never got a clear enough
sighting to take a photograph I love.  Next time!

Waterbuck are another large buck.  Males have horns.  


  1. There are excellent. Maybe you didn't get a clear sighting, but the ones you took are incredible.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. "The McDonalds of Africa"... LOL! I haven't heard this before.
    All antelopes are wonderful but my favourites are the Oryx, Kudu and male Nyala.

  3. Fascinating and absolutely exotic!

  4. How exciting it must be to see them wandering free without fences as in a zoo!

  5. More fantastic photos! This must have been a fabulous experience.

  6. What a fabulous experience you had, Jack!

  7. Great shots indeed and so wonderful to be able to see these in the wild and not behind fences in a zoo!! That one does have an awesome set of horns!!! Thanks as always for sharing!! Hope you have a great new week!

  8. You would so lucky to see them in their environment.

  9. How exciting! What a wonderful trip. Welcome home!
