Monday, June 1, 2015

Di's Dazzle

Back to Naples for the City Daily Photo theme day.

When I read in the local newspaper that a former Playboy model has opened a women's clothing
 store in the Village on Venetian Bay, featuring glitzy clothes with sequins and other
sparkly things, well, my camera and I had to visit.  (You understand, of course.)

The torn jeans with shiny baubles arrived the day I visited, and Di was excited.  She was sure that they would fly off the racks.  Very stylish, don't you think?
The jeans and Di can be found at Di's Dazzle.

Other photographs by City Daily Photo bloggers on the theme of "stylish" can be found here.


  1. One question beyond your stylish posing... was her magazine available to peruse? I'd like to read the article. I'm sure Lowell is headed to Naples this AM. GRIN.

  2. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do - and it paid off. Stylish, for sure, in every sense of the word.

  3. Marvelous shots Jack. Fits the theme perfectly.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. perfect! i love her little shoes! i'm laughing at birdman, "reading the article" uhhh-huh ;)

  5. Absolutely understand Jack :) Dazzling Di is quite the 'stylishtic' ... new word alert!

  6. Those are some very fancy jeans and Di looks like she's still a beautiful model.

  7. Well I"m sure in South Florida they do sell. Nice choice for our theme Jack.

  8. Those jeans really do dazzle in a stylish-sort of way! Were you dazzled?

  9. Ah, you are excellent at finding talented and beautiful women, Jack, and Di surely fits the bill!! I do enjoy your captures from wherever!! And I hope you have another wonderful week -- wherever you are!!

  10. Excellent choice for this theme, Jack, I'm glad you followed your camera :)

  11. Good choice for the post, Jack! I love Birdman's comment - it's good you are away or Lowell might be at your door for directions soon. ;-)

  12. Worthy of follow up visits I'd say

  13. Very stylish! I got a kick out of Birdman's comment!

  14. Gosh Jack, the suffering you must go through to get your shots ;)

  15. Yes. As they say, she's still hot and those clothes are very South Florida (or maybe Las Vegas). You must have been sitting on the floor for the first shot. Perfect POV.

  16. A stylish lady, but the clothes are not my style.

  17. I see you endured this Theme Day assignment quite nicely, Jack. Bravo!
