Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Padua (Padova)

Padua (or Padova in Italian) is the home of Italy's second oldest university, established in 1222, 
where Copernicus and Galileo were among the noted scholars.

Basilica di Sant'Antonio di Padova.
In Padua, just about everything is named after St. Anthony.
His jaw bone is on display.  (I skipped viewing it.)

The Prato is the biggest square in Italy and one of the biggest in Europe.
It has an elliptical island in the center and is ringed by two rows of statues.
During the day it is usually filled with market tents, but it is quiet at night.

On Monday it rained.  For a guy who spends the winter in sunny southwest Florida,
a rainy day is almost a pleasant change of pace.  (Not entirely a pleasure, but almost.)


  1. Impressive photos Jack. Keep them coming.

  2. beautiful...i really love that last shot!

  3. Yes, the red umbrella certainly is a focal point! Impressed by the top photo; I am always impressed and humbled when in cities such as this with so much history!

  4. I saw that jaw bone on a Rick Steve's Travel Show. You have three beautiful images here today. I kind of like that rain shot with the red umbrella in the middle. Nicely done!

  5. What an awesome, breathtaking place and so are your captures, as always!! What a great way to begin my day, Jack!! Enjoy every minute!!

  6. Memories... I studied there in the early 80es

  7. Gorgeous captures, particularly the basilica.

  8. Hello , "Almost Neighbor" ! I'm glad you're enjoying your stay in this beautiful place !Ciao, Bello !

  9. The red umbrella makes the shot. But even Italy looks a bit sad in the rain.

  10. We get to tour Italy vicariously - thanks, Jack!

  11. Never been there. The Italian name sounds more Russian. The rain shot is my favorite.

  12. Travel without braving airports. I'm in!
    I especially love your last shot. Those pops of red are terrific. Braving the rain was worth it for this shot alone, but I do hope the weather improves for you.

  13. Looks like you are having a lovely holiday

  14. I like all those domes! Sorry about the rain (although I myself enjoy the occasional rainy day.)
