Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Clyde Butcher Art Gallery

"I Follow the Light and Let Nature Present Itself."  Clyde Butcher

Glen, a volunteer, shows the camera and explains the photographic processes used by Clyde Butcher to capture high resolution black and white nature photographs.

Clyde Butcher has been the most prominent photographer of the Everglades for decades.  His portrait is one of those featured in the Guardians of the Everglades series I showed recently.  I recently went to his art gallery in the Everglades, midway between Naples and Miami.  His impressive large black and white photographs line the walls and are available for sale.

The Butcher gallery also has naturalists who lead swamp walks through the Big Cypress National Preserve, part of the Everglades.  I went on a swamp walk (more tomorrow) and took photographs.  In honor of Mr. Butcher, I converted these three photographs to black and white.  Let's be clear:  These are my photographs, not Mr. Butcher's.  So, they are worth $1.99 each, not $5,000.


  1. I wish I could have been there.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing.

  2. These are brilliant b&w photographs, Jack !
    I don't know how much they are worth, but surely more than $1.99 each !
    Ah... and before I forget... I wish you a wonderful trip, I'll go on the top of a mountain with binoculars, maybe I'll see you.

  3. The Ansel Adams of Florida! I love his work. I definitely would value your pics higher. At least $9.98. 😆 Looking forward to seeing your swamp walk pics.

  4. What! No freebies for you favorite bloggers? I like the way you take advantage of opportunities to go on interesting photo shoots.

  5. i think your work is worth more than a buck-ninety-nine!

  6. First off your photos are worth sooo much more then 1.99 :) Second, looking at those of Mr. Butcher that hang on the walls in shot 1 and then at yours I don't see much difference! :) So I guess my point is, make a photo exhibit! :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  7. Beautiful shots Jack! And I agree with Mersad, worth so much more.

  8. Oh, yes!! I do agree with Mersad as well!! Your shots are superb -- always! And they are the best way to start my day!! Hope your week is going well!

  9. Good idea to check out the work of the masters, Jack! Your work is pretty darn good too!

  10. I would have enjoyed attending that.

  11. I don't see ONE but TWO great photographers at work here !

  12. I always enjoy your pics, Jack! I'm looking forward to seeing your swamp shots.

  13. I really like these and his philosophy with the camera in nature. Thanks for your trip about the 'butcher shop'. Couldn't pass that one up.

  14. I would have liked to have been in attendance for this.

  15. Beautiful photographs Jack! I still say you were brave to go on that swamp walk.

  16. Beautiful artwork. Wish I could shoot like that.

  17. Butcher's work immediately reminded me of Ansel Adams and I was impressed to read that Adams was a big influence on him.

    I'm eager to see more of your swamp walk. And are you offering your work at $1.99 for your loyal blog followers? Does that include shipping and handling? Or is that where we start the bidding? Clever tease!

  18. Amazing photos. I could spend all day at a place like that!


  19. Interesting, I'd never heard of him. Your photos are worth 2.99 IMO.
