Monday, March 9, 2015

Another Day in Immokalee

Back at 11 a.m.  What year?

I liked the multicolored line-up.

Immokalee's main street has a new but almost unused park.

She was hot but we had a language problem.

New pharmacy.  Coming soon.

There are American flags everywhere you go in the USA.

On the way out of town.


  1. Coming soon can mean different things to different people. Love all these scenes you've found around town.

  2. I need a map; where is this place? Are you on your way back or is it too early? Yes, I am back in St. Paul; the weather has improved but beaches and surf are still part of my DNA.

  3. I love the displays of Americana in your shots. It's colorful, inviting and intriguing.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. There are a lot of farms in Florida. Sometimes, with Mickey, we forget about that fact Like that last shot.

  5. What a fun little tour around town! Those buses all lined up would have caught my eye too.

  6. Me case I forget later in the week....have a great trip. I'm just a bit jealous. I'd love to be going.

  7. What! No tomatoes Jack? Yes your images did indeed prompt me to Google Immokalee, very small population oui :)

  8. Beautiful scenes, Jack, I like also your comments !

  9. I was tempted to ask if you had stepped back in time for these -- way back in time except for the new street and the red head!! Fun way to start my day, as always! Hope you have another fun one!!

  10. Nice series. I took a photo of the American flag yesterday.

  11. I enjoy your captions even more than your photos!

  12. That feels like a town that hasn't changed much over the years, Jack!

  13. Surely you speak enough Spanish?

    Yes. I've always wondered why there are so many flags. Maybe if the aliens from Mars or elsewhere in the universe land? That way they can't possibly believe that they have landed in India?

  14. these are great, love the walkway lined with palms!

  15. Great series!
    I can't say the new main street park looks particularly people friendly.
    Still smiling over some of your captions...

  16. The mannequin outside that bakery is a bit adult!

  17. Fun shots. Love the truck and the palm trees.

  18. There is an awful lot of Florida we have not seen and this is an example. That park looks very uninviting, but what's so hard about being welcomed to the sweet house by an amazon?

  19. This collection of photos gave me a pretty good idea of what the town must be like. Too bad the park is not used much. I hope no one gets the bright idea to tear it out and build a condo there. ;))

  20. Charming place viewed from your lens. Love it.

  21. Those palm trees caught my attention!
