Sunday, January 18, 2015

Men of the Bonita Springs Art Show - Photographers

Robert Heier is a photographer who offers heavily manipulated art photographs.

Tom Clements sells photographs, both large and small,
usually in earth tones and quiet in their feeling.

Patrick Whalen's photography featured scenes of decay, printed on glossy aluminum.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. Well, there you go! Go, Jack. Set up your own booth and sell your portraits! And you could travel all over the country with the art shows. This is a message from your local Chamber of Commerce.

  2. Photographing the photographer, cool shots, Jack !

  3. Some beautiful work. I often wonder whether art shows are lucrative for those who display or merely reflect their aspiration. They are wonderful to explore but I can rarely afford to buy anything.

  4. Interesting perspectives from each photographer. I like the last one the most.

  5. Some interesting ideas here. I've tried the glossy aluminum and I kind of like it.

  6. This has been such a fun, colorful series, Jack, and I've really enjoyed seeing all the different artists -- male and female, and their work! Hope you've had a great weekend!!

  7. I just do not get why people want to buy and hang photographs of any kind, but most of these are not bad...

  8. Aluminum seems to be quite popular for pics these days.

  9. I think I would have loved that. Since I can't have a Vermeer, I like the idea of beautiful photos on my walls...

  10. And Jack takes fine portraits of individuals in their natural environment.

  11. I've seen similar styles by some photographers here.

  12. Love the photos in the second shot.

  13. It's good to see that photography is taking it's rightful place as a work of art. I particularly like Patrick Whalen's take on "Decay" very inventive using glossy aluminium.
    Thanks for letting us know about the Febuary CDP theme Jack .... now you've got me thinking!

  14. I like these portraits a lot. It's nice to see regular-looking guys with heaps of talent.

  15. I like the first one! I think really heavily manipulated photos are fascinating. Subtly manipulated ones are often very good, and noticeably manipulated ones can be annoying until they cross the line into art.

  16. Oh, hey! (Light bulb blinking on here.) Not to denigrate Heier's work, which I do like and respect, now I know what to call some of my shots that don't cut it: heavily manipulated art photographs!

  17. Artists and their work, what a fantastic subject as far as I'm concerned. Makes me want to take the paintbrush again...
