Saturday, January 17, 2015

Men of the Bonita Springs Art Show - Sculptors

This is the time of year when there is a big outdoor art show just about every weekend.

William Kidd is a clay artist from Florida, who creates fanciful organic forms.

Ronnie Hughes creates lifelike glass wildflower sculptures in North Carolina.

Chris Seeman is a sculptor from Cincinnati who creates abstract metal shapes.

John Krieger creates whimsical clay fish (and wears a goofy shirt with pictures of fish).

And, Georgia wood turner Matthew Hatala creates beautiful, Asian-inspired,
polished wooden vessels.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. Goodness that would have been very tempting Jack, there is something in every medium there that I would have wanted to take home.. Super portraits of the tres talented artistes !

  2. Great artists and wonderful portraits Jack.

  3. Fine portraits of the artists. I like Williams clay art.

  4. Each artist is definitely talented in their particular medium. Great portraits, also. Where are the female artists. . .all men?

  5. Aw c'mon, these guys come to Ocala every fall! But I still like to go and walk around and look at all the sights including all the funny people. I've had a couple of these vendors tell me "No photographs!" in a voice that did not endear me to them!

  6. Excellent portraits and some quite strange art!

  7. Wow, you've summed up quite a lot of talent all in one post. I'd have a wonderful time looking all this great art.

  8. There might be a place in this old homestead for a piece of Matthew, but that's about it. I'd pass on the others.

  9. It's interesting how each person goes so well with the art they are selling. :)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. Thank you for introducing us to these sculptors.

  11. Great pics for the day and I do agree with Mersad -- each person does match up well with their art! Fun one for the day!! Enjoy your weekend, Jack!!

  12. I found this to be a nice inspiring post, Jack! Thanks! But no pretty women artists - I'm surprised. ;-)

  13. We have two major art fairs a year and several smaller ones. I see a lot of work that is well-made and has a high degree of craft. Not much, though, with real originality. We're picky buyers.

  14. Visiting art booths is the part about being in Florida this time of year I would probably most enjoy. I likely wouldn't purchase anything but I LOVE to look. ;)

  15. Nice looking show and variety.

  16. I admire these sculptors, wonderful portraits, Jack.

  17. Loving the fish and the turned wood. The artistic mind never fails to impress me.

  18. Nice to see the faces with the work!

  19. Kidd's display is eye-popping. Another great selection of work and portraits. I especially love the wood turning. It looks as if he finds some amazing wood to work with.
