Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Goodland's Mullet Festival

Thousands squeezed into the little fishing village of Goodland for the annual Mullet Festival.

She was the queen of the festival.
Or maybe she just bought the shirt.

He wore a badge claiming to be the Buzzard Queen Inspector and the ladies raced to have their photos taken with him.  I'm not going to discuss the coconuts.

Yes.  Alcohol was involved.  A lot of alcohol.

A bunch of fun-loving ladies from Decatur, Illinois, posed for the cameraman.

I always forget to wear my crab hat.

But I am planning to wear my hat for the follicle-challenged wherever I go from now on.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?   


  1. I'll have a Corona please. Fun event no doubt.

  2. I had to do a little Googling to see what kind of event this is and I've found that it is one wild and crazy event. You got some really great photos of people having a good time. I do love the hats in the last photo!

  3. I was thinking mullet as in the bad haircut! ;-))

  4. You guys are as nuts as they are in Key West! Follicle-challenged - that's funny.

    Did you eat mullet? How much mullet did you eat? Isn't that a trash fish. Sorry, I'm being sort of crabby.

    I'm afraid after seeing these photos that Goodland has gone from bad to worse. :)

  5. Ah, you do know how to make me laugh even on a gray, grumpy day!!

  6. Lots of fun and crazyness here !

  7. People can come with just about any reason to have a festival. Looks like a lot of fun. At least it's warm!

  8. Ha, love the hairy hats. I was expecting to see lots of people with bad hair-dos - but I guess mullets are not in fashion any more.

  9. Wait! I no sooner figure out what the other kind of mullet is (Okay. DH is bald. Why do I need to know this, anyhow?) then you throw this kind of mullet into the mix. Confusion reigns. I think I need to find a festival somewhere.

  10. Love to see people having a good time, and these folks know how to do that.

  11. Those hats in the last picture are really something! Was there any mullet being eaten at this festival? I only ask because fried mullet is one of my favorites, especially with a little cheese grits on the side.

  12. That's the first thing I thought of- the old hairstyle!

    Looks like people had fun!

  13. The last photo made me think they were in a Rod Stewart look-alike contest.

  14. Haha! I think we should discuss the coconuts Jack :)

  15. A funny reportage! Buzzard Queen Inspector is a very interesting title!

  16. Mullet??? Crab hat? Yours? Coco****. Really, Jack, this is crazy!!!! Excellent post though, thanks for the laugh!
