Monday, January 26, 2015

Everglades Cafe

A mural on the side of Everglades Cafe in Naples highlights the Florida panther,
a critically endangered cat found in swampy marshlands like the Everglades
and Big Cypress National Preserve.  Only 100 - 200 survive.

Today's post is linked to Monday Mural.

City Daily Photo bloggers post photographs on a theme on the first day of each month.  On 
February 1, they will address this intriguing question:  If you had to leave forever the city 
from which you usually post, what would you miss most?  


  1. Hopefully the Florida panthers will make it. I have been reading about them.

  2. One would hope that they will survive as more than a fading mural on a cafe wall.

  3. Don't remember this cafe, but I do remember as far back as the mid-80s, the panthers were in trouble and they built passsages under Alligator Alley so they could move about safely. But I thought I read they had made a comeback of sorts.

  4. A very strange looking panther

  5. Hopefully the Florida panthers will survive, I've never heard of them...

  6. Oh, yes! I hope the panthers survive, too!! I'm fascinated by all the murals I've seen lately in posts from Florida and from Australia!! Have a great week, Jack!!

  7. Love the name of the place and the mural itself!

  8. Kitty K Kafe. Tom The Backroads Travellerat

  9. I hope they make it into the XXIInd century. The cats that is. Not necessarily the nice mural.

  10. I'm surprised there are that many! Hopefully they get a hand to increase their numbers somehow.

  11. I'd known for sometime they're in trouble. And we continue to build and build and build regardless of the consequence.

  12. Florida panthers sounds like a baseball team. But to be down to so few in number sounds a pretty dire situation. No species deserves to die out, the whole world is the poorer.

  13. Looks like a scary cat but I hope it survives!

  14. Very sad that so many fine animal species are extinct or endangered!

  15. Every time I hear of big cats in Florida I'm taken by surprise. For some reason they seem so improbable to me. Hope they can survive in inroads of modern society on their habitat. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
