Saturday, October 4, 2014

Villa Cimbrone

The impressive bust-lined terrace of Villa Cimbrone in Ravello is high on a mountaintop
overlooking the Bay of Salerno and the Amalfi Coast.  At mid-day,
it is impossible to frame an image without other tourists.
(She was posing for the guy standing next to me.)

I went back in the early evening, after the tourists went home, but the light wasn't as good.

And I beat the tourists back to the terrace in the morning, when it was cloudy.


  1. Your efforts have been richly rewarded, even if you haven't reached your own high photographic standards. I think each one tells a beautiful story.

  2. I like each of theses. Sometimes you have to go with what your got as far as lighting goes. Nice job.

  3. I hate to disagree but to my eye the softer light in shots two and three has resulted in a more satisfactory effect than the rather harsh light and sooty shadows in the first effort. Of course it's all a matter of personal opinion.

  4. Great job Jack. I love the early morning light.

  5. Is that the 'explanation' your wife gets? Nice try.

  6. What a view no matter the weather.

  7. Beautiful shots, Jack. And such marvelous views.

  8. Awesome view, superb captures and I'm so glad you share them, Jack! Great start for my day!!

  9. I like the evening light better. What an amazing view!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. I like the intense blue in the tourist shot but it is fun to see all three, Jack!

  11. The light in the 2nd & 3rd shots is very gentle and soft...and the effect is rather nice without your 50 newest best friends.

  12. That is a spectacular view, and your photos are all wonderful. Personally I like the soft light and framing of the morning shot the best.

  13. Apres les tourists. A wonderful idea. I love this photos from your trip Jack. Merci,

  14. I sort of like the shot with the random tourist. I wonder if her photographer got a better picture?
