Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Liv just graduated from high school.  She is headed to Florida in the fall to study marine biology 
in college, but she is realistic and knows that plans might change when she gets there.

Liv played four years of lacrosse in high school.
She expected to hate it, but found that she loves lacrosse.
(There is a lesson in that about willingness to try new things, isn't there?)

Note to self:  Next time you ask someone to step off the main street to avoid
all of the pedestrians walking into the shot, be sure there are no dumpsters in the background.


  1. She has a pretty smile! Yep, it's very good advice to try new things... but sometimes very hard.

  2. This is even better than your self portrait. hehehehe
    Great smile.

  3. Another beautiful subject, Jack! And I wouldn't have noticed the dumpsters if you hadn't pointed them out. :)

  4. My niece is getting her Ph.D. in marine biology. It is a very important field, especially in view of what we are doing to upset the balance of the ecosystems in the ocean.

  5. She is a very photogenic girl. Nice portrait, although a parking lot probably isn't the best place to shoot at.

  6. Liv would brighten up any background!

  7. She is so lovely! IMHO immobile and out-of-focus dumpsters are better than any closer walk-in!

  8. What a lovely young woman!! Such a great smile and a terrific capture as always! Dumpsters???? Surely you jest!! I was so focused on the young lady that I didn't see them until I read all of your caption!!

  9. Agree about the dumpsters, but otherwise this is a top-notch portrait! And I agree with Sharon, Liv really does brighten up any background. Wouldn't have noticed the dumpsters if you hadn't pointed them out :D

    Mersad Donko Photography

  10. Another pretty woman, Jack! You seem to have a knack for finding them.

  11. The bins just make her beauty all the more radiant!

  12. Yes, another beauty graces your blog. And I'm guessing there was enough gorgeousness in your line of sight that everything else faded out of view.

  13. Well, not all snapshots are "perfect" but Liv certainly has a perfect smile…a very good portrait of a lovely young woman.

  14. I would imagine most of your male readers are thinking.. 'what dumpsters?' :) Gorgeous portrait shot Jack.
