Saturday, June 7, 2014


Maybe we don't need to know "why?"  Maybe we can we just smile and enjoy the mystery.
On Wethersfield Green.

(And, here are some peonies, just because they are in bloom and I like them.
Hey, it is my blog, right?)


  1. You got me smiling and enjoying.

  2. I'd be lion if I said I knew why, but I hope there isn't a small person out there missing him.

  3. Peonies are my favorite flowers ! Like Jenny, I hope noone is missing a small friend ..
    Have a nice week-end !

  4. For a second there, I thought it was Heidi.
    Me, to the rescue!

  5. That's pretty cute. Nice find. But I still have to ask "why"? Not about the flowers. I know why in that case!

  6. The flowers are gorgeous! I hope some kid will find soon his missing toy...

  7. Life would be pretty dull without some mystery and a few peonies!

  8. When I was a kid in growing up in Illinois, my mother had several peony bushes in the yard. I loved the spectacular blooms on them. We don't see these in the desert but, every now and then I'll see a few show up in the flower shop.

  9. Peonies smell great and photograph well, too. Your photo is lovely. The toy is tacked up so the loser of it can be reunited with it!

  10. There must be a story behind that poor lost lion. At least it brought a smile to all of us who follow your blog. Ah, peonies blooming already. Your season is weeks ahead of ours. Great flowers.

  11. I have photographed these around Paris. When someone finds a mitten or lambie they hang it up nearby in hopes that the owner will be back.

    Thanks for the peonies. Ours are gone now. My favorite flower of all time, after the gardenia.

  12. Mystery solved Jack, looks like a favourite for a very young child! Can you believe I almost bought a bunch of peonies today.. really I did they were gorgeous and exactly that shade of pink.

  13. I do love the peonies!! I do hope the little bear finds a home! And you're right, it is your blog and I always love it and your choice of pics to share with us! Have a fun weekend, Jack!!

  14. I think there's a child crying out there because he misses his lion friend. The Peonies shot is beautiful!

  15. How frightfully sad... (not the peonies of course!)

  16. I love the peonies too - they haven't come out here yet but will soon!

  17. I love those informal lost and founds. And the story is usually a harried parent packing up a small tribe and the smallest one letting go of some small treasure, expecting it to come back on demand.

    Peonies: Justification never, ever necessary.

  18. Somebody lost their whatever they are called. Nice flowers.

  19. Show as many peonies as you like, I love them!

  20. These are both great! Thank you for the smile.

  21. I think someone dropped a toy and it's hanging there so it can be found by the owner.

    Peonies are show stoppers and deserve to be photographed and posted on blogs.

  22. i like the peonies.
    i hope the kid got his toy back!
