Wednesday, May 7, 2014

More Classic Cars

Even though I posted a bunch of fancy cars here a week ago,
and even though I am doing it again today,
I am really not a car guy.

See, I have a new tripod, and I was driving home recently,
and these cars and this building jumped out at me, so I turned my car around . . .


  1. What is a "car guy"?

    This is nice! I do think the B&W captures the scene better. Looks like a 1960s time and place.

  2. that is such an awesome shot, i really like the color photo! great job!

  3. As soon as I saw the first pic I thought, 'I wonder what this would look like in B & W?' That being said, I think I prefer the color version. (It almost looks like a sepia treatment, which is cool.) Dabbling in tripod usage and night shooting? Your photography world is really opening up. Have fun!

  4. That's superb!
    Must be a dangerous place to drive though, Jack, with cars and buildings jumping out at you! Try putting that on your insurance claim!

  5. The color shot is wonderful, but also the B&W it is not bad, and I am not a fan...

  6. Both are special in their own way. Oddly it reminds me of the old drive-ins.

  7. I'm not a car person either but I can still admire these photos!

  8. What a great shot! Looks wonderful in both ways.

  9. The light is terrific in both photos, but I think the b&w one has the edge. It takes us back to that earlier era. BTW, my Dad had that model Ford Thunderbird, and I got to drive it on special occasions.

  10. I would have turned around too! These shots are great.

  11. It's good to be impulsive sometimes Jack, you got a fab image here.. love that you went all the way and included a B&W, nice!

  12. Congrats on the new tripod. You've put it to good use. These are great shots.

  13. You do have fun with your camera and tripod, don't you!! I love it! The B&W is perfect for the time period of the cars! Great shots as always, Jack! Hope you're having a great week, it does look like it!!

  14. Fabulous, Jack! I like the colour best. ;-)

  15. Both versions are brilliant! Enjoy your new toy. :-)

  16. I prefer the colored one.
    Good use of your new tripod, Jack!

  17. These say U.S. to me more than most of your pictures. Quintessential. A tripod too.... Hope you do better with yours than I with mine - 'octopus' and 'wrestling' come to mind.

  18. The tones are very good in the color shot but I really love the crisp edge it the b&w...and it so suits the vintage of the cars.

  19. I rather like the black and white version. They're terrific cars.

  20. I do like old cars. My dad worked on Mustangs when I was in high school and I was able to drive them around.

  21. These are awfully good photographs. Hard to say whether I prefer the color or B&W. I guess I lean toward the color. It got that slightly-off early color film look that's so appropriate for the subject.

  22. I'm not a huge car person either, but I do like to shoot a classic when I get the chance. Here I like the color shot for the cars but the sign looks cooler in black and white!

  23. beautiful! so very american!
    i really miss seeing this kind of stuff in person...
