Saturday, May 17, 2014


Why would any half-way intelligent person play an insanely difficult game like golf?

Because golf courses are consistently beautiful.

Because, even when you hit your ball behind a tree, the phone still won't ring, 
and no one will come to you with a huge real world problem.

Because you will be outdoors for four hours on a wonderful day.

Because you will be with three other people 
with whom you want to spend the time.

Because each game is new.  
And you might play better than the last time.
(But you probably won't.)

Because you sometimes come home with good stories.

Well, the time has come, and I have played my last game of Florida golf for the season.
I have started driving north.   Have a good weekend, everyone.
See you tomorrow from along the way and then from Connecticut.


  1. I have always wondered why people play golf & now it makes perfect sense. Have a safe trip.

  2. And because you get to photograph some beautiful reflections and then go on to post them after Friday. Have a good trip!

  3. Have a safe trip. Bring some warm weather.

  4. As you might assume, I really, really liked this post! I'm heading out in the morning for a round. And I'm sure you'll be getting in plenty of golf up north. The scenery will be a bit different, though. :)

  5. Ah…many of the reasons why I used to golf in Michigan! I love being outdoors. (Of course, up there you don't have the real course hazards….gators.) Buckle up….and make random stops for photos!

  6. A set of great pictures of a wonderful place (gators aside), but the first one is really a masterful shot!

  7. This is a great post! Even though I don't play, I have to agree with all your comments. Golf courses really are quite beautiful.
    PS, is that alligator what you would call a "hazard"?

  8. Drive safely, dad! Your golf course looks gorgeous. Can't wait to see it in person one day (I'll drive the cart- you can play!) xo

  9. What a great post, Jack! Great captures as always, a beautiful place and at last an answer to the eternal question "why do people play golf?????" And an alligator?? Yep, does look like a hazard to me!! Have a safe trip back to Connecticut!

  10. That's not a golf course, that's heaven on earth (and your photography brings it to the next level)

    Mersad Donko Photography

  11. Lovely shots! Have a safe trip back.

  12. You made it look wonderful. Jack! Safe journey!!

  13. I've known fly fishermen who say much the same thing about fishing.
    Have a safe drive back to Connecticut.

  14. i dont think i have the patience for golf...
    but the pictures are beautiful...

  15. I wonder when you'd be going back north!

    As to golf, well, I'm agreeing with the sentiment that golf is a good walk wasted.

  16. They are nicely landscaped but the game of golf is not for me.

  17. Are your shots with the golf clubs as pleasing as your shots with the camera? Or is it best not to ask?

  18. Good luck with the trip home! It looks like you had a nice golfing season in FL. The course I play now is very linksy and I've already lost tons of balls. :S

  19. Sorry Jack still not convinced.. but I'd enjoy the walk and the picture taking etc. without the stress of getting that little white ball into that impossibly small hole :)
    p.s. I have tried it!

  20. I definitely thought of Lowell when I saw this post! Beautiful shots.

  21. As a teenager I decided that life had enough frustration, and I could reduce the level some by giving up golf. Still enjoy nature, but like it a bit less well tended. Beautiful photos. Do you get a two stroke penalty if the alligator won't give your ball back?
